The action aims to increase the UCO recycling rate and enhance its safe disposal, in the Municipality of Rethymno, by expanding and optimising the collection network with “smart” bins, integrating sensors with GSM technology and a web-based monitoring platform.
The platform allows real-time monitoring of the bins’ fulling level and optimisation of the collector drivers' routes. It sends alerts at selected fill rate, temperature raise, unauthorised movements or vandalism incidents. Through the smart management system, the collection efficiency is increased and operational costs are reduced. Fewer collection trips mean less fuel consumption and less greenhouse gas emissions. Targeted communication activities for citizens and schools challenge a behavioural change towards UCO proper recycling.
The pilot delivers:
- fully operational “smart UCO collection to biodiesel system”;
- study on the technical aspects of the UCO to biodiesel chain and
- report of a viable business model for local UCO collection, transformation and exploitation.
The efficient management of the household UCO collection, through a smart collection system and the fulfilment of the “UCO to biodiesel” value chain locally can be easily replicated in other MED areas
Macro objectives:
- Behavioural change of households towards UCO recycling
- Life quality improvement with cleaner atmosphere
- GHG emissions reduction due to decrease of fossil fuels
- New job opportunities and local investments with new business models
Specific objectives:
- Increase recycling rate and safe disposal of UCO
- Set up of a local UCO to biodiesel chain
- Raise citizens’ awareness on UCO recycling benefits
- Initiate viable local energy synergies
Impacts to be achieved by 2030:
- CO2 emissions saved / y: 17 t
- Fossil Fuels saved: 48.5 toe
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