Awareness / Behavioural change / Social acceptance, Small scale RES demonstration, Solar energy
The action demonstrates the viability of RES technologies, by integrating a PV system into the roof of the municipality building. It focuses on raising citizens' interest in BIPV systems on historic buildings and it is expected to foster replications to nearby communities.
The pilot delivers:
- a 4 kW PV plant with red PV panels, integrated into the roof of the historic municipality building, replicable in other historic MED contexts. The system also includes a display, demonstrating to the public, the energy production achieved and GHG emissions saved;
- raising awareness activities (printed materials, informational events for schools, citizens and visitors) on the benefits of PV and other renewable energy systems, as well as applying energy efficiency practices at the local level and
- recommendations to Giove Municipality’s staff for potential future investments on RES and energy efficiency.
Macro objectives
- Increase local energy independence
- Behavioural change in citizens’ and tourists’ daily lives
- GHG emissions reduction
Specific objectives:
- Raise citizens’ and tourists’ awareness on RES integration in historical buildings
- Increase RES share in local energy mix
- Adoption of energy saving technologies in public buildings
Impacts to be achieved by 2030:
- CO2 emissions saved/y: 78 t
- Electricity generated from RES: 110,000 kWh/y.
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