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The pilot action aims to challenge behavioural change of citizens and tourists towards energy efficiency and RES best practices and to increase the RES share in the local energy mix. A small-scale PV installation on the Capalbio Municipality building will assist awareness raising activities.
The pilot delivers:
- an Energy Development Plan for the Municipality of Capalbio;
- a 10 kW PV plant on the roof of the municipality building and a display informing citizen on the energy production and CO2 emissions savings achieved and
- a booklet for schools on “Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources tips to reduce ecological footprint and saving energy and costs”.
Due to the multiplying effect, the COMPOSE pilot project has led to the submission and approval by the Italian Environment Ministry's Kyoto Fund of two new investments for energy efficiency upgrade: PV plant and heat pump installations on the Capalbio's primary and high school buildings.
Macro objectives:
- Increase local energy independence
- Behavioral change in citizens and tourists' daily lives
- GHG emissions reduction
Specific objectives:
- Raise public’s and tourists’ awareness on RES integration in historical buildings
- Increase RES share in local energy mix
- Energy savings and more EE measures in the operation of public buildings and lighting
Impacts to be achieved by 2030:
- CO2 emissions saved/y: 175 t
- Electricity generated from RES: 304,500 kWh/y
Read more here