Other useful links
- Bioenergy Europe: Association for bioenergy in Europe
- BUILD UP: The European portal for energy efficiency in buildings
- EU MIssions: 100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030 - Info kit for cities
- EU Missions: Adaptation to climate change
- Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy
- CIVITAS network for cities
- European Commission: Energy Poverty Observatory
- European Commission: Energy Poverty Advisory Hub
- European Commission: Energy Efficiency Buildings Topics
- European Commission: Renewable Energy Topics
- European Commission: Biomass
- European Commission: Funding for cities-Funding opportunities
- European Commission: European structural and investment funds- Supporting economic development
- European Commission: A climate resilient Europe
- European Commission: Circular economy
- European Commission: Green growth and circular economy
- European Commission: Finance and the Green Deal
- European Commission: Horizon Europe
- European Commission: LIFE programme
- European Commission: Eco-innovation and digitalisation - Cases studies, environmental and policy lessons from EU member states for the EU Green Deal and the circular economy
- European Energy Efficiency Fund (EEEF)
- European Investment Bank
- European Investment Advisory Hub
- Energy Cities: Best practices
- Energy Communities: Case studies
- European Regulation on General Data Protection
- European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform
- European Climate Foundation (ECF): Roadmap 2050 project
- Interreg Europe programme
- Interreg MED programme
- International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA): Publications
- JASPERS: Joint Assistance to Support Projects in European Regions
- National Recovery Resilient Plans
- Solar Heat Europe: Association for solar heat in Europe
- SolarPower Europe: Association for solar power in Europe
- Strategic Energy Technologies Information System (SETIS)
- URBACT programme
- Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) Initiative
- WindEurope: Association for wind energy in Europe
- World Wind Energy Association (WWEA)