Orodja za oblikovanje
Wind energy
- Global Wind Atlas: Web-based GIS application of global, regional and country wind resource
- IRENA- Global Atlas for Renewable Energy: Maps and tools for wind potential estimation
- Danish Wind Industry Association: Wind Turbine Power Calculator
Solar energy
- JRC Photovoltaic Geographical Information System (PVGIS): Geographical assessment of solar resource and performance of photovoltaic technology
- Solar GIS: Solar resources maps and GIS data
- Global Solar Atlas: Web-based GIS application of global, regional and country solar resource
- PV*SOL Online: Calculation of PV systems
- IRENA- Global Atlas for Renewable Energy: Maps and tools for solar potential estimation
- PVWatts: Estimation of energy production and costs of grid-connected PV systems
- SHW: Simulation Software for Thermal Solar Systems
- Kalkener:Simulation software for Solar Thermal Water Heating Systems (STWH)
- Solar District Heating (SDH): Calculation Tools for solar district heating feasibility assessment
- Pan- European Thermal Atlas: Data on Biomass resources in European countries
- IRENA- Global Atlas for Renewable Energy: Maps and tools for biomass potential estimation
- Carbon Trust: Biomass Decision Support Tool
Geothermal energy
- ThermoMap: Very shallow Geothermal Potential (vSGP) in terms of heat conductivity
- Pan- European Thermal Atlas: Areas with geothermal heating potential in Europe
- IRENA- Global Atlas for Renewable Energy: Maps and tools for geothermal potential estimation
Energy efficiency
- CommonONEnergy Tool: Energy saving potential and economic benefits of retrofitting shopping malls estimation
- REScoop PLUS toolbox: Toolbox of best practices that are implemented in RES cooperatives around Europe
- NeZEH e-toolkit: Toolkit for hotels’ energy consumption benchmarking
- Build up: The European Portal for Energy Efficiency in Buildings- Tools to support energy efficiency measures planning
Sustainable urban development
- URBACT toolbox: Action planning process in five stages for integrated and participative sustainable urban development
Energy Communities
- REScoop Project: A pool of tools for supporting a local, community-led, renewable energy revolution in EU
Circular Economy
- Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS): management instrument for companies and other organisations to evaluate, report, and improve their environmental performance.
- European Commission: Recommendation on the use of Environmental Footprint methods
- EU Ecolabel: voluntary label that helps to identify products and services that have reduced their environmental impact throughout their entire life cycle.
Other energy planning tools
- QuickScan software: Modelling environment combining expert knowledge with spatial and statistical data, which can serve as development scenario planning tool
- RETScreen software: Decision support tool to evaluate the energy production and savings, costs, emission reductions, financial viability and risk for various types of RES of EE measures
Recovery and Resilience Plans
- Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery: Tools Library