The pilot action targets to develop strategies and to establish a strong cooperation amongst local authorities and businesses that will boost the sustainable energy investments on a regional scale.
An Energy Investment Plan (EIP) to initiate multi-level governance principles leading to increased RES share in the energy mix is developed. The EIP identifies investment projects based on a sectoral approach (i.e. aggregation of similar projects in terms of technology, size, target groups etc.), which are expected to contribute to the GHG emissions’ reduction and therefore to improve life quality and to increase energy independence in the region.
The EIP supported to the fulfilment of the region’s obligations, under the Covenant of Mayors initiative and will facilitate financing of similar projects. Experience and knowledge gained during the implementation of the action can be tranfered to regional and local stakeholders, as well as to other MED territories.
Macro objective:
- GHG reduction through energy savings and increased RES use
Specific objectives:
- Improve energy efficiency of public buildings
- Increase of RES share in the energy mix
- Decrease dependency on fossil fuels (especially natural gas used in the area)
Impacts to be achieved by 2030:
- CO2 emissions saved/y: 19,250 t
- Electricity generated from RES: 58,759 MWh/y
- Thermal energy from RES: 406,576 MWh/y
- Energy saved through EE: 6,605 MWh/y
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